Trusted by

Folktale helps you
collect, listen & understand
stories from your world
Access diverse stories
Effortlessly scale data collection
Invitations and pre-set reminders
Easy-to-use video prompts
In-built consent processes
Securely store and manage data
Simplify and enhance consent management
Lower the cost of qualitative evaluation & research
Increase evaluation and research scope
Structured replicable story collection
Storage for ethically, securely managed data
Best practice consent management
"An incredibly democratizing product that puts video storytelling in the hands of everyone."
"Supplies additional layers of contextual knowledge"
"Without Folktale (traditional report) 2 of 22 of our stakeholders read our reports.
With Folktale 17 of 22 watched the video. All innovations highlighted in the video got picked up by the donor and were taken to implementation."
"Folktale has given me transferrable skills that I would've never had the chance to learn otherwise"
"Reduces the distance between you and your impact"
"It opened our eyes to the things we wanted to look for in the report"
We're engaging with people in their everyday lives, which is at the heart of good development"
We want to "add the spice that makes data truly meaningful"
“We are increasingly finding that old fashioned 'black and white' reports don't cut it for us. We are missing the magic and losing engagement from our team members in the all important feedback/learning loop. We like to do things differently and Folktale seems like our kind of different.”